The Ancient Elixir

You meet a sickly noble, and an alchemist trying to save his life.
The alchemist asks for your help in completing the cure.

Related Items

Item NameItem #
Health Potion37
Elixir of Beauty53
Elixir of the Sage101
The Sap of Treant296
Soul Extractor297
Two Snakes299
The research records of Edenheart300
Certificate of Membership in Beneprada301

Related Monsters

Monster Name Monster #
Ghost of Edenheart
Skilled Adventurer
……..Possibly more…………


11-1<The Truth of the Elixir>
The truth of the creation of the Elixir was too much of a tragedy for Fheren to bear.
He spent days and nights in prayers, guarding Edenheart’s resting place.
He then blamed himself for his older days, regretting not confessing to Edenheart when he still had the chance.
When Fheren’s sorrow finally calmed down, he recollected and organized Edenheart’s research notes, presenting her findings to the alchemy institute.
He believed it to be the best way to commemorate Edenheart.
[Mt Hamletrun]
cross ravine {fly}
Charge – win against the Treant(get sap, CHA also works)
Shake Head
Go Mavelaine
What Do? – Accept

Go to Mavelaine – aboard stagecoach
Kill All (bugbears + win)
Visit library yourself – anything i can help – Unseen servent {Spellcasting 1}

Investigate Sculpture (Pass)
move sculpture
Examine corridor (INT – pass)
-this place is – Check for traps (pass)
Fight Golem (Win)
No Way! – Refuse – Fight Skilled Adventurer (Win)

Help – Drink
Take Dagger – Show me Fheren – You have Eden to thank – Eden is dead
11-2 <The Whereabouts of the Elixir…?>
Edenheart asked one of Fheren’s maids, the middle-aged one that she has known for so many years, to complete the last step of brewing the Elixir.
But the maid betrayed Edenheart’s trust.
The middle-aged maid lied to Fheren, that Edenheart’s Elixir ultimately failed, and ran away with the Elixir herself.

[Mt Hamletrun]
cross ravine {fly}
Charge – win against the Treant(get sap, CHA also works)
Shake Head
Go Mavelaine
What Do? – Accept

Go to Mavelaine – aboard stagecoach
Kill All (bugbears + win)
Visit library yourself – anything i can help – Unseen servent {Spellcasting 1}

Investigate Sculpture (Pass)
move sculpture
Examine corridor (INT – pass)
-this place is – Check for traps (pass)
Fight Golem (Win)
No Way! – Refuse – Fight Skilled Adventurer (Win)

…A few Min Later – Can’t we get someone else’s Soul? – Are you sure?
– I can’t do this – Refuse
11-3 <Fheren’s Treatment Center>

Even after spending a long time researching the Elixir, Edenheart was unable to complete it.
Fheren finally gave in to the sickness, and Edenheart spent days crying, hugging Fheren’s coffin tightly.
After the funeral, Edenheart abandoned the research on the Elixir and began something new.
She started a treatment center, treating the sick and wounded for free.
She dealt with every single one of her patients with care and love, as if to compensate for not being able to save Fheren.

[Mt Hamletrun]
cross ravine {fly}
Charge – win against the Treant(get sap, CHA also works)
Hand over sap – Of course – accept

Join – aboard stagecoach
Kill All (bugbears)

[In Zapen]
Visit library yourself – anything i can help- Unseen servent {Spellcasting 1} – What now?

Investigate Sculpture (fail) – give up

[Veneprada’s Stagecoach]
Enter Stagecoach – Follow – Sure Thing

Pick lock open – Fight Gargoyle (win and gain research notes)
Knock her out (Fail)
Fight Edenhart (Win)

11-4<Fheren’s Resolve>
Fheren trained day after day, to take your life with his own hands.
He’s also preparing an army of skilled mercenaries, knights and adventurers, planning to take you down once and for all.

[Mt Hamletrun]
cross ravine {fly}
Charge – win against the Treant(get sap, CHA also works)
Shake Head
Go Mavelaine
What Do? – Accept

Go to Mavelaine – aboard stagecoach
Kill All (bugbears + win)
Visit library yourself – anything i can help – Unseen servent {Spellcasting 1}

Investigate Sculpture (Pass)
move sculpture
Examine corridor (INT – pass)
-this place is – Check for traps (pass)
Fight Golem (Win)
No Way! – Refuse – Fight Skilled Adventurer (Win)

Help – Drink
Take Dagger – Show me Fheren – You have Eden to thank
Refuse and leave

Defeat Hassassin – Lets make a deal – Find Fheren
Defeat Hassassin – do you have a deatrh wish? (fail)
Fight Fheren (Win) – Take belongings
11-5<Curse of the Evil Spirit>
The rumor about a specter haunting the ruins spread like an epidemic.
Veneprada merchant’s guild did everything to hire people for the excavation, but no one dared go near the ruins anymore.
Alas, Veneprada’s new business came to and end before it even began.

go to the building (pay 100gp)
Put on Tab

Go to Mavelaine – aboard stagecoach
Kill All (bugbears + win)
Visit library yourself – anything i can help – Unseen servent {Spellcasting 1}

Investigate Sculpture (Pass)
move sculpture
Examine corridor (INT – pass)
-this place is – Check for traps (pass)
Fight Golem (Win)
Sucker Punch (pass)
Fight Skilled Adventurers (Fail)

[Ruins #2]
Go to Ruins – I’ll deal with specter
-Looking for elixir – Head to Laboratory

Walk away (Don’t Fight)
11-6<The Controversial Elixir>

By winter, Veneprada merchant’s guild showcased a brand-new product to the market.
It is the legendary Elixir, said to be able to cure any sickness or wound in an instant.
Despite its preposterous price, the Elixir sold like hotcakes, becoming a popular product among regional riches, nobles, and royal families.
But scholars and intellectuals soon discovered that the creation of an Elixir requires a human soul – Veneprada merchant’s guild and its Elixir has now fallen into a state of controversy.

go to the building (pay 100gp)
Put on Tab

Go to Mavelaine – aboard stagecoach
Kill All (bugbears + win)
Visit library yourself – anything i can help – Unseen servent {Spellcasting 1}

Investigate Sculpture (Pass)
move sculpture
Examine corridor (INT – pass)
-this place is – Check for traps (pass)
Fight Golem (Win)
No Way! – Take gold

[Ruins #2]
Go to Ruins – I’ll deal with specter
-Looking for elixir – Head to Laboratory
Fight Ghost (win)
Fheren is cured (CHA – pass)

11-7<Greed Leads to Ruin>
Osborne decided to use brand-new technology to get rid of the specter – gunpowder, only recently utilized in battlefields.
But perhaps he used too much gunpowder.
A huge explosion destroyed the entire structure of Plasphere Ruins, burying Osborne with its debris in the process.

go to the building (pay 100gp)
Put on Tab

Go to Mavelaine – aboard stagecoach
Kill All (bugbears + win)
Visit library yourself – anything i can help – Unseen servent {Spellcasting 1}

Investigate Sculpture (Pass)
move sculpture
Examine corridor (INT – pass)
-this place is – Check for traps (pass)
Fight Golem (Win)
No Way! – Take gold

[Ruins #2]
Go to Ruins – I’ll deal with specter
-Looking for elixir – Head to Laboratory
Fight Ghost (win)
Leave Ruins
11-8<Rumors of Plasphere>
After Osborne’s death, a new rumor circled around Plasphere Ruins.
Apparently the evil specter that has been haunting the ruins is gone now.
Not everyone believed the story to be true – but what’s for certain is that nobody knew why the specter appeared in the first place, and why it suddenly disappeared.

go to the building (pay 100gp)
Put on Tab

Go to Mavelaine – aboard stagecoach
Kill All (bugbears + win)
Visit library yourself – anything i can help – Unseen servent {Spellcasting 1}

Investigate Sculpture (Pass)
move sculpture
Examine corridor (INT – pass)
-this place is – Check for traps (pass)
Fight Golem (Win)
Retreat – Flee Alone

[Ruins #2]
Flee the Ruins
Tell About Specter
Don’t have that much gold
Fight Skilled adventurer (Win)
Kill him (i was neutral alignment)
Bury her?
11-9<Demoted Osborne>
Talk of the new Elixir business sprang up during the Veneprada merchant’s guild’s monthly conference.
Despite the huge amount of capital invested, the business has failed to generate a notable outcome.
Osborne begged the guild for more time, trying to convince them that they will make a fortune in no time, but the other executives disagreed.
The Elixir business came to an end, and Osborne was ordered to switch posts.
His new rank was an titular one, devoid of any real authority or influence over Veneprada’s businesses.
Anyone could see that he was demoted.
[Mt Hamletrun]
cross ravine {fly}
Charge – win against the Treant(get sap, CHA also works)
Shake Head
Go Mavelaine
What Do? – Accept

Go to Mavelaine – aboard stagecoach
Kill All (bugbears + win)
Visit library yourself – anything i can help – Unseen servent {Spellcasting 1}

Investigate Sculpture (fail) – give up

[Veneprada’s Stagecoach]
Enter Stagecoach – Follow – Sure Thing

Wait for Edenhart
Steal (Fail)
Give up
11-10<Innocence by Inheritance>

By winter, Veneprada merchant’s guild showcased a brand-new product to the market.
It is the legendary Elixir, said to be able to cure any sickness or wound in an instant.
Edenheart sued Veneprada, asserting that the guild stole her research and monetized it.
But the judges are already bribed by the guild – Edenheart’s claims held zero power.

[Mt Hamletrun]
cross ravine {fly}
Charge – win against the Treant(get sap, CHA also works)
Hand over sap – Of course – accept

Join – aboard stagecoach
Kill All (bugbears)

[In Zapen]
Visit library yourself – anything i can help- Unseen servent {Spellcasting 1} – What now?

Investigate Sculpture (fail) – give up

[Veneprada’s Stagecoach]
Enter Stagecoach – Follow – Sure Thing

Pick lock open – Fight Gargoyle (win and gain research notes)
Knock her out (Fail)
Fight Edenhart (Win)
11-11 <After Their Died…>
Clueless of Edenheart’s death, Fheren passed away awaiting news about her whereabouts.
Before his death, Fheren left a note of will for Edenheart, but that never reached the alchemist’s eyes.
After Fheren died, his maids gathered their personal stuffs and left the manor, while the estate was inherited by a distant cousin.
Edenheart’s laboratory became abandoned, turning into a dusty home for spiders and rats.
From time to time some petty thieves broke in to the laboratory to steal stuff to sell.
Edenheart’s research was separated into many pieces, following the flow of gold, and is now all over the world.

~.~ Could also follow 11-6 ~.~

[Mt Hamletrun]
cross ravine {fly}
Charge – win against the Treant(get sap, CHA also works)
Shake Head
Go Mavelaine
What Do? – Accept

Go to Mavelaine – aboard stagecoach
Kill All (bugbears + win)
Visit library yourself – anything i can help – Unseen servent {Spellcasting 1}

Investigate Sculpture (fail) – give up

[Veneprada’s Stagecoach]
Enter Stagecoach – Follow – Refuse
11-12<Cannot be Hidden Forever>
Only after years have passed did Fheren learn about Edenheart’s whereabouts.
He had no idea why Edenheart died, or even why you decided to not tell you of her death.
He is still searching for you, to find out the truth behind it all.
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x [Grimdit]
Yes (Pass Cha Check)
Put on Tab
Go to Mavelaine
What are you going to do?

[Adventurers chatting loudly]
Inquire further

[Grimdit – Bulletin board]
Find Veneprada
Head to the ruins
Stand watch (pass CON check)
Fight Stone golem (Win)
I wish to see the relic myself
Examine them

[Trail near Mavelaine]
Recall your memories
Shake your head

[Osborne v.s. Edenhart]
is this true?!
What happened?
Help Edenheart
fight Skilled adventurer (Win)
a few moments later…
Can’t we get someone else’s soul?
Are you sure about this?
Take the Dagger
Give Fheren the Elixir
You have Edenheart to thank
She already left

~Will also get 11-1, and 11-9 using this path ~
11-13<Unexpected Advantage>
You ended up killing both Edenheart and Fheren.
Not that it brought you any positive results.
It did benefit Veneprada merchant’s guild, though – they were able to get their hands on the Elixir recipe after ransacking Edenheart’s laboratory.
The guild began its own research using those materials, to create the legendary Elixir themselves.
[Mt Hamletrun]
cross ravine {fly}
Charge – win against the Treant(get sap, CHA also works)
Shake Head
Go Mavelaine
What Do? – Accept

Go to Mavelaine – aboard stagecoach
Kill All (bugbears + win)
Visit library yourself – anything i can help – Unseen servent {Spellcasting 1}

Investigate Sculpture (Pass)
move sculpture
Examine corridor (INT – pass)
-this place is – Check for traps (pass)
Fight Golem (Win)
No Way! – Refuse – Fight Skilled Adventurer (Win)

Help – Drink
Take Dagger – Show me Fheren – You have Eden to thank
Refuse and leave

Defeat Hassassin – Lets make a deal – Find Fheren
Defeat Hassassin – do you have a death wish? (fail)
Fight Fheren (Win) – Kill Fheren
11-14<Edenheart’s Steel Laboratory>
After her research notes were almost stolen, Edenheart moved the location of her lab and stopped going outside.
She cared more about strengthening the security of her lab more than the research itself – spending time and resources obsessively.
As a result, she now has an unbreachable steel laboratory, where no one can get in except herself.
But soon, she was notified of Fheren’s death via a letter, and only then did she realize that all her efforts have been for nothing.

[Mt Hamletrun]
cross ravine {fly}
Charge – win against the Treant(get sap, CHA also works)
Shake Head
Go Mavelaine
What Do? – Accept

Go to Mavelaine – aboard stagecoach
Kill All (bugbears + win)
Visit library yourself – anything i can help – Unseen servent {Spellcasting 1}

Investigate Sculpture (fail) – give up

[Veneprada’s Stagecoach]
Enter Stagecoach – Follow – Sure Thing

Wait for Edenhart
Steal (Fail)
Give up
11-15<For The Departed>
Fheren avenged Edenheart, and believed that he vanquished you from this world forever.
His sorrow still remained, but he soon made up his mind, moving on from his sorrow.
He recollected and organized Edenheart’s research notes, presenting her findings to the alchemy institute.
He believed it to be the best way to commemorate Edenheart.
[Mt Hamletrun]
cross ravine {fly}
Charge – win against the Treant(get sap, CHA also works)
Shake Head
Go Mavelaine
What Do? – Accept

Go to Mavelaine – aboard stagecoach
Kill All (bugbears + win)
Visit library yourself – anything i can help – Unseen servent {Spellcasting 1}

Investigate Sculpture (Pass)
move sculpture
Examine corridor (INT – pass)
-this place is – Check for traps (pass)
Fight Golem (Win)
No Way! – Refuse – Fight Skilled Adventurer (Win)

Help – Drink
Take Dagger – Show me Fheren – You have Eden to thank
Refuse and leave

Fight Hassassin (lose)
Stay Silent (Do Not Explain!!!!)
Ask him to free you

Additional Art