~:~ Consumables List ~:~

NameConsume EffectItem #
Health PotionHealth +237
Sanity PotionSanity +238
Wyvern OrbCON +146
<101 Ways to Seduce People>CHA +152
Elixir of BeautyCHA +2, CON -153
Elixir of the GladiatorSTR +1, DEX +1, INT -1, WIS -1100
Elixir of the SageSTR -1, DEX -1, INT +1, WIS +1101
MackerelHealth +1125
Red SnapperHealth +1, Sanity +1126
Adventurer’s Guild Special PotionHealth +5, Sanity +5131
Troll Ear MushroomCON +1135
Basket of PotatoesHealth +1138
Red EggHealth +1139
Giant CarpHealth +1, Sanity +1144
SalmonHealth +1145
Pill of YouthHealth +1, Sanity +1, CON +1152
Mini Health PotionHealth +1191
Mini Sanity PotionSanity +1192
The Maze’s ElixirSTR +1, DEX +1, INT +1, CHA +1199
EncyclopediaINT +1202
Canned DrinkSanity +1220
Martial Art TextbookDEX +1221
Muscular Exercise TextbookSTR +1222
Nutritional BreadCON +1225
Aged WineSanity +1226
Sweet Grain WineSanity +1257
ElixirSanity +6, Health +6,  Regeneration+1298