Demon’s Touch

Note: You will gain; +1 STR, +1 DEX, +1 CON at the start of this Background

Holding on to your dying life in the burning flames, you desperately wanted revenge. At that moment, you heard someone’s voice in your ear.
That’s nice. I’ll give you strength. Kill your enemies and dedicate their souls to me.”
He held his hand gently, seductively, and you held his hand tightly. For your spouse who cared for you with a deep illness. For your seven-year-old son who burned to death without knowing anything. To avenge your family who were burned at stake as ‘demon worshippers’ by the fanatics of Teretian.

Related Items

Item NameItem #
Lightning Heart246
Divine Lamp247
Glass Key of Paella248
Silver-decorated Knife249
Onil’s Sword250
Crusader Armor ??251
Blessed Rosario252

Related Monsters

Monster NameMonster #
Red Hair Lady147
Paladin Legion150
Animated Armor151
Demon Legion155
Blue Dragon158


88<Last drink>

You caught the dying embers of life and returned to your hometown. The family graves were overgrown with weeds because no one cared for them. You put flowers in front of your family’s graves and poured alcohol. And you heard the last drink.
(More than one way to get it. Just successfully kill Publius at the end (when exp 100), and then successfully reject Kior’s offer) example : Go to funeral, waiting signal, go meet Viyork, refuse and leave, defeat Viyork, defeat paladin’s legion, defeat Valen, pass check, kill Publius, successfully reject Kior’s offer.
89<Collapse and Rebirth>

Your soul fell into hell and fell into the hands of Kior.
He locked your soul in a steel bar and brought your family’s soul.
Then He tortured their souls in front of you.
The appearance of a suffering family was enough to break your mind and drive you crazy.
But that was not the end.
Your family, who suffered from the demon’s torture, gradually changed.
They had wings that resembled bats, teeth that stretched out unruly, and fingernails like blades.
All you could do was wail and look at them.
(More than one way, oppose Kior, but lose from Kior) example : Don’t take help from Viyork, don’t kill Danica, get mirror of memories, use mirror of memories, call Kior ‘Son of a bitch!’, do not pass checks for searching the/don’t choose to go in alone/go from front, defeat demons legion, everyone are killed except Valen, go with Valen to Hell, get defeated by Balor/Kior in Hell.
90<Burned at stake>

When you suddenly came to your senses, you saw a view of the cold prison.
Your hands were cuffed, and all you had were your clothes.
After a while, the paladins of Tere came to the jail and dragged you out.
They put you on a stake in the middle of the square.
Then they recited your sins and asked if you admitted them and had a will.
You remained silent on all of their questions.
In your silence, the paladins lit the fire and executed the burning.
With so many people watching, you burned into a hot fire.

(More than one way to get it. Basically get defeated/captured by church) Example: Go to funeral, waiting signal, go meet Viyork, refuse and leave, surrender to Viyork, failed check say “reject all the offers”.
91<Those who chase demons>

Since you disappeared, Teretian has sent a tracking team to track you down.
But when they found you,
It was already after you left for another world, the afterlife.
The trailers tied your body to a wooden post and burned it
It was nothing but venting anger.
Same as epilogue 88.

(More than one way to get it. Just successfully kill Publius at the end (when exp 100), and then successfully reject Kior’s offer) example : Go to funeral, waiting signal, go meet Viyork, refuse and leave, defeat Viyork, defeat paladin’s legion, defeat Valen, pass check, kill Publius, successfully reject Kior’s offer.
92<What is the truth…?>

[Even if you kill me, your revenge will not end.]
You woke up at the words of Publius in your dream.
What he said before he died bothered you years after you ended revenge.
It must have been a piece of crap he was spitting out because he wanted to live.
While denying it like that, you couldn’t deny the question on the side of your mind.
The idea that really all of that might have been Kior’s ploy.
But there was no way to confirm.

Don’t take help from Viyork, kill Danica, set ambush, kill Viyork, kill Onil, pay/convince blue dragon, defeat paladin legions, at exp 100: ask Gess opinion, check the wagon, choose to kaleres river, snipe/ambush Publius, defeat paladin legion.
93<Kior’s Puppet>

You destroyed the Holy Land and the Cathedral of Tere according to Kior’s command.
You killed those who believed in Tere and dedicated their souls to Kior.
And in the process, you absorbed the group of demon worshippers everywhere.
You have come to faithfully fulfill your role as an avatar of Kior.

(More than one way to get. Defeat Publius, accepting Kior’s offer at the end/fail to reject Kior’s offer at the end) Example : Go to funeral, waiting signal, go meet Viyork, refuse and leave, surrender to Viyork, believe in Kior, defeat Valen.
94<Prisoner in the Iron Mask>

From some point on, strange rumors circulated among Theresa’s priests.
A prisoner is wearing an iron mask in Theresa’s dungeon.
As for the identity, someone said is was a nobleman arrested for political reasons.
Someone else said it was an adventurer who blasphemed God, and someone else said it was a ghost.
And by the time the rumor calmed down, You got out of jail for taking down Kior.
Don’t take help from Viyork, capture Danica, don’t kill Danica, get mirror of memories, use mirror of memories, call Kior ‘Son of a bitch!’, pass checks for searching the followers, pass the Int check, choose to go in alone, defeat Gess, meet Publius, promise the condition, go to Danica at night, pass Check/look into Danica, defeat Danica, defeat Kior.
95<Song of Revenge>

Your revenge play was sung by a minstrel and became widespread.
The song was different in content, perhaps because it went through many mouths.
You became a righteous hero who defeated Kior alone,
He became the villain who assassinated the Archbishop of Theresa
Sometimes, it was not good or evil, but just revenge.
Your song was a famous song that, no matter who caught you on the street, you didn’t know.
No one knew where the main character of the song went.

Don’t take help from Viyork, don’t kill Danica, get mirror of memories, use mirror of memories, call Kior ‘Son of a bitch!’, do not pass checks for searching the/don’t choose to go in alone/go from front, defeat demons legion, everyone are killed except Valen, go with Valen to Hell, defeat Balor, defeat Demon’s legion, defeat Kior, successfully chase Kior(have spell resistance/pass check), return from hell and meet Publius, don’t surrender to church/Publius, kill Publius and Valen.
96<Destroying Faith>

Tere’s congregation began to leave Teretian.
It was about what to believe in God, who could not do anything about even a demon.
Some doubted that Teretian was abandoned by Tere.
The paladins abandoned the sword, and the priests abandoned the scriptures.
Instead of going to the temple of Tere, ordinary people turned to other temples.
The Pope of Teretian has announced that they will kill you sooner or later,
Even Tere’s followers responded with half doubt.
More than one way to get it. Can follow epilogue 93.

Defeat Publius, accepting Kior’s offer at the end/fail to reject Kior’s offer at the end) Example : Go to funeral, waiting signal, go meet Viyork, refuse and leave, surrender to Viyork, believe in Kior, defeat Valen.
97<Chase the demon together>

You and Valen wandered through hell after the whereabouts of Kior.
The journey was very arduous because the environment of hell was so rough.
In addition, Kior’s demons often attacked.
You didn’t let go of your desire for revenge in that situation.
It was the same with Valen.
With Valen, you have knocked down and knocked down the demons who are attacking you.

Don’t take help from Viyork, don’t kill Danica, get mirror of memories, use mirror of memories, call Kior ‘Son of a bitch!’, do not pass checks for searching the/don’t choose to go in alone/go from front, defeat demons legion, everyone are killed except Valen, go with Valen to Hell, defeat Balor, defeat Demon’s legion, defeat Kior, fail to chase Kior.
98<Couldn’t get revenge>

You, who failed to avenge yourself, lived like a scoundrel, hiding in an abandoned cabin.
It was because you no longer had a way to continue your revenge or a willingness to live another life.
Alcohol was the only friend left for you who couldn’t die.
Don’t take help from Viyork, don’t kill Danica, get mirror of memories, use mirror of memories, call Kior ‘Son of a bitch!’, do not pass checks for searching the/don’t choose to go in alone/go from front, defeat demons legion, everyone are killed except Valen, go with Valen to Hell, defeat Balor, defeat Demon’s legion, defeat Kior, successfully chase Kior(have spell resistance/pass check), return from hell and meet Publius, don’t surrender to church/Publius, kill Publius and Valen.
99<In the middle of a dimension>

Trapped in a gap in the dimension, you floated in the air and waited for death.
That’s the only thing you could do nothing.
Fortune of misfortune, it didn’t take long for your pain to end.
You’re starting to lose consciousness as Kior’s mana is gone
Soon after, you became a cold body.
Don’t take help from Viyork, kill Danica, run away , look in alley, defeat paladin, go to town where there birthday, defeat Valen, get defeated by paladin legions, silent, dedicate offerings, defeat Valen, deal with Onil directly, defeat Onil, defeat paladin legions, fail check from Publius’ magic
100<New life>

You, who continued your life with the consciousness of Publius, became the paladin of Tere.
It was too stuffy for ordinary people to endure life as a paladin.
However, with the sole determination to take revenge on Kior, you continued your rigorous training, shedding blood and sweat. All for the day when you would thrust your sword into Kior’s heart.
Join Viyork, kill Onil, kill Danica
Go to funeral, wait for signal, go meet Viyork,
refuse and leave (Or accept and lose), surrender to Viyork, say choose “I will swear the atonement.”
101<The new toy is…>

Kior’s plan to completely destroy Teretian has failed.
He was a little disappointed but soon shook off that thinking and began to look for a new scapegoat.
For him, the mortal was like a toy that was thrown away when it was broken while playing with it
It was the same for you, so his attention quickly turned to the other mortal.
(More than one way to get it. Basically get defeated/captured by church) Example: Go to funeral, waiting signal, go meet Viyork, refuse and leave, surrender to Viyork, failed check say “reject all the offers”.
102<Demon’s Revenge>

Kior sipped the wine glass with a satisfied smile at the thought of giving it a shot to Tere.
This would greatly diminish Tere’s faith, and Kior’s name would be known throughout Hell.
Kior, who was giggling, made another plan.
The next plan was not to give Tere a shot but to take his place.
‘I’ll make you pay for hurting me,’ Kior muttered, leaning back in his chair.

More than one way to get it. Can follow epilogue 93.

(More than one way to get. Defeat Publius, accepting Kior’s offer at the end/fail to reject Kior’s offer at the end) Example : Go to funeral, waiting signal, go meet Viyork, refuse and leave, surrender to Viyork, believe in Kior, defeat Valen.

You couldn’t go anywhere, heaven and hell.
Because no god or demon anywhere has accepted your soul,
Your soul has just gradually scattered and disappeared.
Help Viyork, kill Onil, failed to ambush/capture/kill Danica, scattered and run away, defeat Valen, exchange hostage (save viyork), defeat paladin, capture Danica, use take body spell, successfully steal her spirit (WIS check), fail make a surprise attack, fail to return to own body (Fail to break chain).
104<The Altar of Kior>

The demon worshippers occupied the Yerut Cathedral and converted it into a temple for the Kior.
Thanks to that, the former cathedral’s appearance disappeared without going back and forth.
Jewels, paintings, and sculptures are all sold on the black market,
It was turned into funds for the activities of the worshippers.
And the believers full of vitality and faith turned into fanatics full of madness and blind faith.
Help Viyork, kill Onil, failed to ambush/capture/kill Danica, scattered and run away, defeat Valen, exchange hostage (save viyork), defeat paladin, capture Danica, use curse, defeat Valen, defeat Paladin legion, successfully run towards Publius, follow the word of Kior.
105<Saint of Teretian>

Soon after your revenge was stopped, the edict came down from the Pope of Teretian.
In recognition of his achievements in dealing with the ‘great threat to the Tere’, he gave Publius the title of ‘Saint’.
The name of the saint Publius was inscribed in the new scriptures of Teretian.
And the priests who believed in Tere heard and learned the name of Publius by looking at the scriptures.

(More than one way to get it. Basically get defeated/captured by church) Example: Go to funeral, waiting signal, go meet Viyork, refuse and leave, surrender to Viyork, failed check say “reject all the offers”.
106<Loss of Authority>

There was a lot of sacrifice to Teretian because of your revenge.
But those sacrifices have not completely resolved the threat.
As a result, Publius became suspicious of his authority as Archbishop.
Publius said everything would be resolved sooner or later, but no one believed it.
Same as 129

Help Viyork, kill Onil, failed to ambush/capture/kill Danica, scattered and run away, defeat Valen, exchange hostage (save viyork), defeat paladin, capture Danica, use take body spell, successfully steal her spirit (WIS check), fail make a surprise attack, successfully return to own body (pass check) and then choose “Let’s aim for the next change”.
107<Publius’ Worry>

Publius ordered searching to find Valen, who suddenly disappeared.
But months later, far from finding Valen, the demon worshippers make a fuss,
Only unfavorable factors poured out, such as the opening of a gap in the dimension and the appearance of demons.
After thinking for a long time, Publius eventually decided to give up looking for Valen.
As Archbishop of Teretian, it was an inevitable decision because he had so much work.
Don’t take help from Viyork, don’t kill Danica, get mirror of memories, use mirror of memories, call Kior ‘Son of a bitch!’, do not pass checks for searching the/don’t choose to go in alone/go from front, defeat demons legion, everyone are killed except Valen, go with Valen to Hell, lose to Balor (Or Kior)
108<Declaration of Conquest>

The Pope took the podium in the holy capital of Teretian.
Several people gathered in the great square and listened to him.
And besides, the Pope stood Publius.
The Pope announced on the spot that the demon prince Kior had disappeared
He announced his expedition to hell, saying he would clean up the hell that Kior ruled.
The citizens listening to the speech applauded and cheered for Teretian’s crucial decision.

Don’t take help from Viyork, don’t kill Danica, get mirror of memories, use mirror of memories, call Kior ‘Son of a bitch!’, pass checks for searching the followers, pass the Int check, choose to go in alone, defeat Gess, meet Publius, agree with Publius/don’t agree and not join Kior again, go meet Danica and pass check on Danica, defeat Danica, defeated by Kior.
109<Hero’s Death>

The funeral of Publius was grand.
The funeral was led by the Pope of Teretian, and his body was placed in the cathedral cemetery.
The Pope praised Publius for his dedication and courage, calling him a ‘hero who fought against great evil.’
Can follow epilogue 98 ~

Don’t take help from Viyork, don’t kill Danica, get mirror of memories, use mirror of memories, call Kior ‘Son of a bitch!’, do not pass checks for searching the/don’t choose to go in alone/go from front, defeat demons legion, everyone are killed except Valen, go with Valen to Hell, defeat Balor, defeat Demon’s legion, defeat Kior, successfully chase Kior(have spell resistance/pass check), return from hell and meet Publius, don’t surrender to church/Publius, kill Publius and Valen.
110<Archbishop of Teretian, Viyork>

After a long period of effort, Viyork finally achieved ambition.
It was an honor to become the new Archbishop of Teretian.
Becoming Archbishop, Viyork gave his subordinates major positions and increased his influence within the denomination.
Like that, Teretian began to rot little by little.
Go to funeral, waiting signal, go meet Viyork, look for Viyork family, defeat Valen, go look for Publius hiding place, enter the monastery, what story?, Who is that?, Defeat paladin, to right, defeat animated armored, defeat publius, get defeated by Viyork
111<Take it? Take away?>

After your execution, Publius and Viyork began to argue again as if the last cooperation were a lie.
They used their influence within each other’s denominations to attract people to their side, slandered their opponents, and did political maneuvering.
The political confrontation between the two is unlikely to end until either side is completely destroyed.
112<Viyork, the Hero of the Teretian>

Viyork, who made the greatest contribution to getting rid of you, became called the hero of Teretian.
This greatly increased his influence in the Teretian, exceeding the Archbishop’s prestige.
Publius tried to secure his place by keeping Viyork in check.
But more and more and more of the Paladins were defending Viyork.
It seems that Viyork will soon be able to secure the position of Archbishop.
Don’t take help from Viyork, kill Danica, run away , look in alley, defeat paladin, go to town where tere birthday, defeat Valen, get defeated by paladin legions, silent, I will think about it, defeat Viyork, accept Viyork offer, return back the latter without noticing suspicion, defeat Onil, pass the con check ‘I cannot die alone’.
113<Medal of Justice>

Onil and Viork played the biggest part in getting rid of you.
The Pope of Theretian recognized the two men for protecting Teretian from the demon’s threat. They were awarded the Medal of Justice.
The medal of justice is a badge given only to the noblest priest
It was an honorable medal that any priest of Tere would like to receive.
Citizens applauded Onil and Viyork with the medal of justice on their chests.
Don’t take help from Viyork, kill Danica, run away , look in alley, defeat paladin, go to town where tere birthday, defeat Valen, get defeated by paladin legions, silent, I will think about it, defeat Viyork, accept Viyork offer, return back the latter without noticing suspicion, defeat Onil, FAIL the con check ‘I cannot die alone’.
114<Becoming ashes…>

Kior also recovered the magic that he used to move Valen.
When his magic disappeared, her body, which had been forced to move, was broken in an instant
The broken body became ash and scattered through the cracks of the dimension.
Can follow epilogue 99.

Valen, called Publius’s sword, left Teretian after Publius’ death, saying she would take responsibility.
People around her tried to dissuade her, but she couldn’t break her stubbornness once she decided.
No one knew what life she was living after leaving Teretian.
But she came to Publius’ grave once a year
She used to pay silent tribute in front of his grave.
Same as 119

Help Viyork, kill Onil, failed to ambush/capture/kill Danica, scattered and run away, defeat Valen, exchange hostage (save viyork), defeat paladin, capture Danica, use take body spell, successfully steal her spirit (WIS check), successfully make a surprise attack (DEX check).
116<Kior’s Pet Snake>

Leaving your death behind, Valen fought alone against Kior.
But she couldn’t beat him alone, so she ended up with a heroic death.
Kior stuffed her body and hung it on the wall.
And her soul was torn, broken, crushed, and treated like a toy.
After such a long time, Valen was reborn.

Instead of legs, a long body was obtained, a mouth that could swallow food in one bite, and a canine with hidden venom obtained.
Follow epilogue 95 until arrived in Hell, then get defeated in Hell by Balor/Kior.
117<Publius and Valen>

After returning to Yerut Cathedral, Publius and Valen had a long conversation.
The subject of the conversation was none other than punishment of Valen.
She strongly insisted that she should be paid for the death of Paladins.
Publius dissuaded her, saying she didn’t have to.
But Valen finally packed up and left Yerut Cathedral.
Follow epilogue 95 until come back from Hell, then surrender to church.
118<Give up ambition>

Having failed, Viyork fled to a foreign country with his family.
Probably headed for a place beyond Theretian’s influence.
They left to witness their journey to the Great Desert and have not been seen by anyone since.

Can follow epilogue 119 until exchange hostage (save Viyork), after that doesn’t matter.
119<Danica, the Assassin>

You, who achieved revenge, abandoned Danica’s body and regained your original body.
Since then, rumors have told that she has been jailed as the culprit behind the murder of the archbishop.
She denied the discovery of her silver dagger at the scene.
But no one believed her injustice.
Help Viyork, kill Onil, failed to ambush/capture/kill Danica, scattered and run away, defeat Valen, exchange hostage (save viyork), defeat paladin, capture Danica, use take body spell, successfully steal her spirit (WIS check), successfully make a surprise attack (DEX check).
120<Danica’s whereabouts>

Danica, who was belatedly released from brainwashing, disappeared after leaving only one letter.
‘It’s all because of my carelessness. I’m sorry.’
That was all about the letter. She hadn’t been seen anywhere since.

Follow epilogue 94.
121<Priest of The Dark Prince>

Brainwashed by Kior, Danica became a priest to support him.
She crossed the material world and hell at Kior’s command and delivered his words to those who worship Kior.
Thanks to this, Kior’s influence in the material world has increased.
Don’t take help from Viyork, capture Danica, don’t kill Danica, get mirror of memories, use mirror of memories, call Kior ‘Son of a bitch!’, pass checks for searching the followers, pass the Int check, choose to go in alone, defeat Gess, meet Publius, promise the condition, go to Danica at night, Fail to avoid, Lose to Balor/Kior
122<Let’s die together>

The body of Onil, who died with you, was placed in the cathedral cemetery.
The following sentence is written on his tombstone.
‘A great saint who walked the path of justice. Rest in peace in the arms of Tere.’
123<Revival of the Cult>

Teretian, in turmoil, did their best to pick up the pieces.
They quickly elected the next Archbishop and newly elected the Paladins to announce their robustness.
However, have they been unable to turn their eyes to the outside?
In the meantime, demon worshippers were revived, and they began to expand their influence to avoid the eyes of Teretian.
124<Surviving in Hell>

The remaining Paladins of Hell began to renovate the palace of Kior under the command of Publius.
A significant barrier was built, a sign of Tere was engraved, and a flag symbolizing justice was hung on the top of the palace.
The renovation was also done by the interior.
All the items used by Kior were burned down, and instead, they were filled with incense burners or carpets used in prayer.
Meanwhile, some Paladins struggled to find a way back to the material world. There is no promise because it does not know when the gap between dimensions will weaken.
125<Whereabouts of the remaining Paladins>

After the death of Publius, the Paladins of the Teretian lived their own lives.
Valen left the church, blaming herself for failing to protect him, and Onil became an instructor in training paladin juniors.
And Viyork recommended himself, saying we needed a new archbishop to deal with the confusion.
Because there was no suitable person, Tere’s priests decided to appoint him as Archbishop.
126<Find the missing Publius!>

Viyork, who missed Publius, crumpled his face.
Because as long as he was alive, Viyork could not become Archbishop.
Viyork muttered, ‘Damn old man.’ and ordered his men to start a search for Publius.
But since Publius knew his purpose, the chase between the two will continue for a long time.
Viyork path, fail to catch Publis
127<Even if death separates us>

You are reunited with the family you have missed so much.
Even though they’re the only souls left,
they couldn’t return to the material world, but it didn’t matter.
Because you decided to live in hell with your family.
Without them, heaven would be hell, and hell would no longer be hell if they were with you.
Defeat Kior, talk to Valen and “Don’t Go Back”.
128<I’ll do as you wish>

Your body is dead. Your soul has come into the hands of Kior.
Kior lets you meet your family as you want.
It was ‘a little’ different from what you thought.
Bringing together the souls of you and your family,
It was reborn as a lump of a demon.
And Kior looking at the figure, said with a smile.
[Isn’t it nice to meet your family as you wish?]
You and your family nodded in drool.
129<The gutter rat>

You and the worshippers of Kior, looking for a chance to avenge Teretian, At the same time, continued to serve Kior, avoiding their eyes.
The believers of Teretian looked down on you by calling you a gutter rat.
And they said that you and the worshippers will be burned at the stake one day.
Same as 106

Help Viyork, kill Onil, failed to ambush/capture/kill Danica, scattered and run away, defeat Valen, exchange hostage (save viyork), defeat paladin, capture Danica, use take body spell, successfully steal her spirit (WIS check), fail make a surprise attack, successfully return to own body (pass check) and then choose “Let’s aim for the next change”.
130<New Demon Prince>

You killed Kior and absorbed all of his power.
You, who have absorbed the power of the Demon prince, are able to become lord of Demon’s dominion.
In fact, it didn’t mean anything to you.
Because that was a hard fact for the demons to accept,
You’ve had to prove yourself to the challengers for quite a long time.
131<Valen’s debt settlement>

After leaving Tere, Valen followed you to your home.
She cleaned up your house that had been ruined for many years and mended the graves of your family. And She cooked with her clumsy skills and watched you by your side until the end of your life.
It wasn’t that long, but it made you feel like you had a family after a long time.