Sartha’s Bracelet


Grace+1The success rate of charisma check is slightly increased, immune to pheromone.

Cha >=18 and Moral, Grace +1
Cha >=25 and Good, Grace +2

Item #: 256

Slot Type : Relic

Base price: 100gp

Utility: Show to Radan Tess, to prove you know of Sartha’s whereabouts.

How to obtain: [The Most Beautiful Being] ~ Threaten the merchant, defeat the hassassin, tribute to the dragon, defeat the dragon, Here to pick you up, Let’s take a break, Why did you do that?, Where is Dowd?, Kill them all and take them away, right?, fight and lose to the hassassin.

The bracelet that Sartha spilled.
It’s made of thin gold, and her initials are engraved.