The Disappearance of Professor Naverr

You are an apprentice of Professor Naverr of the University of Brikkalua, pondering about on your essay.

Then, the Headmaster approaches you, saying that the university hasn’t heard from Naverr for days.
“I wonder what he’s up to this time… I must ask you to fetch him.”

According to him, the last letter from Naverr was sent from somewhere near Darval. You immediately respond with a ‘Yes, sir’, standing up from your seat.

Related Items

Item NameItem #
Diving Suit312
Bracelet of Snake God313
Ether Lens316
Disc of the Moon317
Naverr’s Locket Pendant318

Related Monsters

Monster Name Monster #
Souleater Warrior170
Souleater Commander171
Souleater Queen172
Souleater Legion176


7-1<A Land Devoid of Life>
The souleaters successfully settled down in the Astral Plane.
They began to devour the souls that pass through the realm.
The souleaters left no exceptions – from the tiniest of frogs to the largest of the dragons.
No more new lives. Ever.
One might call it, a land completely devoid of any life.
You will likely get this if you “Lose” the story


[Moon Pool]
Fight Souleater (Win)
Go to astral plane
Enter ship
Defeat or sneak past Souleater commander
“You Must get rest” to Naverr
“Go ahead, i’m listening”
“So what”
Support her plan
Approach Queen.
7-2<The Queen Goes Into Hiding>
The Queen of the souleaters barely managed to escape Andaria Jungle alive.
It infiltrated the human world, shifting its form just to survive.
Then, hiding from the eyes of others, it secretly began to gather power, slowly but steadily.
[Moon Pool]
Defeat Souleater
Destroy portal
Look into pieces
Step back
“Get it together, everyone” (Cha – Fail)
Fight Queen (Lose)
7-3<A Pawn of the Game>
You are distorted and twisted by the Queen of the souleaters.
The Queen left you to die and left.
Following its command, you charged at the Divine Serpent’s avatar and the gripplis.
You meet your end fighting them.
7-4<Trapped Naverr>
A dimension of nothingness, between the Material Plane and the Astral Plane.
Naverr was trapped there.
He did not regret a thing – this was his plan and choice all along.
The souleaters, caught in his trap, shredded Naverr to pieces, but that did nothing to change what’s happened.
DO NOT enter the Astral Plane, choose “Destroy Portal” instead
7-5<A New Identity>
The Queen of the souleaters must have taken a special interest in you.
With its tentacles, the Queen personally transformed you, cell by cell, into a complete souleater.
[Moon Pool]
Fight Souleater (Win)
Go to astral plane
Enter ship
Defeat or sneak past Souleater commander
“You Must get rest” to Naverr
“Go ahead, i’m listening”
“So what”
Support her plan
Approach Queen.
7-6<Blessing of the Divine Serpent>
The Divine Serpent praised you for protecting the Material Plane and Andaria Jungle.
It offered you the position of its champion and guardian of Andaria, but the offer did not tempt you.
You politely refused its offer, and the Divine Serpent compensated by giving you a small blessing, so that whatever danger finds you, you may slither away from danger.
[Moon Pool]
Fight Souleater (Win)
Go to astral plane
Enter ship
Defeat or sneak past Souleater commander
“You Must get rest” to Naverr
Fight Queen (Win)
7-7<Back to an Ordinary Life…>
You and Naverr return to your daily life, before all the adventures began.
Naverr is still searching for ancient artifacts, traveling the world.
You follow him into the most dangerous and exciting places the world had to offer.
7-8<Champion of Andaria>
Rosilpha was finally accepted as an official member of the Floating Duckweed.
Not just that, but he was revered as a local hero.
He was blessed by the Divine Serpent, becoming its champion.
[Moon Pool]
Fight Souleater (Win)
Go to astral plane
Enter ship
Defeat or sneak past Souleater commander
“You Must get rest” to Naverr
Fight Queen (Win)
7-9<Ancient Artifact, Dissolved>
The Divine Serpent’s venom destroyed the artifact that can lead to the Astral Plane.
That way, no one will be able to get their hands on the artifact.
Its archaeological value was tremendous, but that meant nothing to the Divine Serpent.
[Moon Pool]
Fight Souleater (Win)
Go to astral plane
Enter ship
Defeat or sneak past Souleater commander
“You Must get rest” to Naverr
Fight Queen (Win)
7-10<We Will Remember You!>
Rosilpha’s death made a deep impression to the gripplis.
They agreed to carve a wooden totem that depict him at their village.
He shall be remembered as the bravest of the gripplis.
7-11<Twisted Naverr>
Naverr became a souleater.
The good news is that, with the Queen gone, it may be possible for him to regain his original identity.
At first he was devastated, but once he recalled that souleaters can shapeshift flawlessly, he went into hiding in an unknown place and began practicing his transformations.
[Moon Pool]
Fight Souleater (Win)
Go to astral plane
Enter ship
Defeat or sneak past Souleater commander
—Forgot verbiage, but bring Naverr with into queen chamber —
Fight Queen (Win)
7-12<The Trapped Ones>
You prevent the Queen from squeezing through the pieces of dimensions.
The shards soon disappeared, and the souleaters were stuck in the dimensional rift.
Furious, the Queen unleashed its rage at you.
You were killed by the souleaters.
Now, with no more victim to unleash its rage on, the Queen began pondering about how to get out.
7-13<A New Archaeology Professor>
You became the new professor of archaeology of the University of Brikkalua.
According to the Headmaster, it was written in Naverr’s will that he officially suggested you as his successor.
You sat down at his seat, staring at the mountain of parchments that he stacked up high.
[Naverr + Friends]
We have no idea
Fight ??? (and Win)
Lets go to the university


[Pretty Lady]
Pass Cha Check
Fight Queen (and Win)

Go to Underground Vault and seal the artifacts
Magic: Wall of fire (Spellcasting 2) OR fight Souleater Legion (And Win)
Fight Souleater Queen (And Win)
7-14<Open the Vaults>
The souleaters took control of the University of Brikkalua.
They shapeshifted into the Headmaster, Naverr, you, or other related personnel, infiltrating the place.
They’re doing their best to open the adamantine vault, where the artifacts are locked away.
However, so far they were unsuccessful in opening the vault. Who knows how long it will take them.
[Naverr + Friends]
We have no idea
Fight ??? (and Win)
Lets go to the university


[Pretty Lady]
Pass Cha Check
Fight Queen (and Win)

Go to Underground Vault and seal the artifacts
Magic: Wall of fire (Spellcasting 2) OR fight Souleater Legion (And Win)
Fight Souleater Queen (And Lose)
7-15<Ancient Artifact, Sealed>
Thanks to your efforts, the artifact that can lead to the Astral Plane was sealed away in the Underground Vault of Brikkalua.
The Headmaster then commissioned a replica of the artifact, and displayed it at the campus museum.
He also began the fortification of the university as well, to prepare for future souleater invasions.
[Naverr + Friends]
We have no idea
Fight ??? (and Win)
Lets go to the university


[Pretty Lady]
Pass Cha Check
Fight Queen (and Win)

Go to Underground Vault and seal the artifacts
Magic: Wall of fire (Spellcasting 2) OR fight Souleater Legion (And Win)
Fight Souleater Queen (And Win)

<In Search of the Disc of the Moon…>
The souleaters haven’t found the Disc of the Moon. Yet.
They are still searching the world for it – by themselves and forcing others to follow their will.
It will be a matter of time before they finally obtain the artifact.
[Underwater Lighthouse]
Give Up
Let’s Find those Mercenarys

[Naverr’s Search Party]
Win v.s. All

[Pretty Lady]
Attack! (Pass)
Fight Soul Eater (Lose)

Don’t Hand over Lens
Stay Behind and buy time
Fight Souleater Legion (Win)
Fight Souleater Queen (LOSE)
7-17<Maybe Next Time…>
The Queen of the souleaters gave up on the artifact and fled.
But that doesn’t mean that they gave up going to the Astral Plane.
They know where the artifact is at – they’re simply waiting for the perfect opportunity.
[Naverr + Friends]
We have no idea
Fight ??? (and Win)
Lets go to the university


[Pretty Lady]
Pass Cha Check
Fight Queen (and Win)

Go to Underground Vault and seal the artifacts
Magic: Wall of fire (Spellcasting 2) OR fight Souleater Legion (And Win)
Fight Souleater Queen (And Win)
7-18<Survivor Naverr>
Naverr held himself responsible of inviting outer entities to the world.
He fought against them valiantly.
He was attacked in the process, breaking one of his arms and his ribs, but he managed to survive.
Now, he is staying at the Floating Duckweed, getting his injuries tended to.
7-19<Where is Rosilpha?
You saw Rosilpha last at the manor in Sinias.
He was nowhere to be found after that.
Only after months have passed, his lifeless body was discovered trapped under the manor’s debris.
7-20<All I Wanted was Recognition>
Rosilpha of Floating Duckweed wanted to get recognized by the local gripplis as one of them.
He fought valiantly against the alien monsters, but in the end, even his struggle was not enough for the gripplis to accept him.
[Naverr + Friends]
We have no idea
Fight ??? (and Win)
Lets go to the university


[Pretty Lady]
Pass Cha Check
Fight Queen (and Win)

Go to Underground Vault and seal the artifacts
Magic: Wall of fire (Spellcasting 2) OR fight Souleater Legion (And Win)
Fight Souleater Queen (And Win)
7-21<Anciet Artifact, Abandoned>
Thanks to your efforts, the Ether Lens, one of the artifacts that can lead to the Astral Plane, was safely sealed away in the Underground Vault of Brikkalua.
However, the other artifact, the Disc of the Moon, is still stuck somewhere deep underwater.
Only some curious octopi went after the famed disc.
7-22<Hiring New Archaeologists>
Naverr ultimately failed to make his return to the university.
His family is still hiring new adventurers to find him.
As for the University of Brikkalua, they are recruiting new archaeologists to fill in his lectures.
7-23<Champion of the Divine Serpent>
You were given the powers of the Divine Serpent and became its champion.
Serving its will, you now devote yourself to protecting and maintaining the ecosystem of Andaria Jungle.
The thick ocean of vegetation embraced you warmly.
In the end, you felt that this suited you more than studying archaeology.
[Moon Pool]
Fight Souleater (Win)
Go to astral plane
Enter ship
Defeat or sneak past Souleater commander
“You Must get rest” to Naverr
Fight Queen (Win)
—- Become divine serpants champion —-
7-24<Prophet of the Apocalypse>
You ran away from Andaria Jungle.
You then went around the world, warning people that twisted creatures from another realm will bring about the end of the world.
Soon, you were branded a lunatic, and no one believed you.
7-25<Nomad Rosilpha>
Rosilpha courageously fought against the Queen of the souleaters.
In the fight, he learned that he still had much, much to learn.
Alas, he left the Floating Duckweed, searching the world for new mentors.
7-26<Destroyed University>
The Queen of the souleaters killed everyone it its path, and finally got its tentacles on the artifact.
Not stopping there, the Queen ordered an indiscriminate bombing of the university, reducing the entire place to ashes.
After releasing its tantrum, the Queen simply left.

[Naverr + Friends]
We have no idea
Fight ??? (and Win)
Lets go to the university


[Pretty Lady]
Pass Cha Check
Fight Queen (and Win)

Stay behind and buy time
Fight Souleater Legion (And LOSE)

Additional Art